Not long after my husband and I were married, I purchased "Night Light", a couple's devotional written by Dr. James & Shirley Dobson.
When I was searching for a devotional, I had a specific idea in mind of what I wanted. I wanted something conversational. This is the perfect devotional to spark up an in depth and heart felt conversation with your husband or wife.
The other day, I was flipping through and came across this one segment that really caught my eye.
What you have observed by looking around your social circles is born out by the numbers: According to nearly every relevant statistic, the institute of marriage is in serious trouble.
The council on Families in America reports that half of first marriages are likely to end in divorce. The National Center for Health Statistics tells us that the number of Americans choosing to marry is declining. And Brent Barlow, professor of family sciences at Brigham Young University, says that if cohabitation and divorce trends continue, "married" could become a minority status within ten years.
Obviously, millions of couples who were once deeply in love and believed they were wonderfully suited for each other are seeing their marriages fall apart. If you and your spouse are going to beat the odds, you will need to bring dedication and hard work into your relationship.
Does this challenge seem more like a threat than a promise? We have good news. First, couples who are willing to invest in their relationship will find the greatest fulfillment and meaning that life has to offer. That is the promise of a godly marriage. Statistics bear this fact out too! Second, you need not try to beat the odds alone. In fact, you were never meant to.
Are you married? Do not seek a divorce.
1 Corinthians 7:27
At the end of each little segment there are always a couple of questions for you and your partner to discuss. One question reads, "What specifically does having a "happy Marriage" mean to you?"
One word that defines happiness is joy.
To me, happiness is all of the things, even the small things, that make you feel all warm inside. The moments that make you smile.
Sometimes its just a smile or a sweet look he gives me, a greeting at the door when I get home or surprising me by fixing dinner. I believe with many couples right now, communication is the biggest issue. You can just run away from or ignore your problems. Praying and talking it out is the way to go.
No one ever said married life was easy, its something you have to work at everyday and you'll get out of it what you put into it.